Hariharpur distributes agricultural supplies to commercial Model villages

Hariharpur distributes agricultural supplies to commercial Model villages

Chhimek Laghubitta BIttitiya Sanstha Limited, Branch Office Hariharpur, Sitanagar Commercial Model Village Vegetable Farming Sitanagar Toll Kshireshwar Municipality Ward No. 8, Unit No. 23918 to 26 members of Seed Surya Tomato 8 grams, Hawaii Tow 10 grams, Pali bitter gourd 30 grams, and Pesticides, Vitamins as well as Zyme Gold 10 kg in the presence of members and parents on date 2080 Shravan 4th Technician Anand Bhattarai, Branch Manager Santosh Chaudhary and Yosada Bhuj. It was distributed in the form of grant.

July 20, 2023

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