Unit Based Loan

Group business Loan


Groups that has completed 1 year in branch.

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit 10,00,000 Per person limit Nrs. 20,000.
Repayment Period

Repayment period from 12 to 60 months

Interest Rate: 14% 

Service Charge1.5%

Unit Home Loan


This loan is to support CLBSL’s units to construct community or their unit buildings for social functions and monthly meetings.

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit NRs 50,000
Repayment Period

Repayment period from 12 to 60 months.

Interest Rate: 10%
Service Charge0.00%
Note:Penalty Provision: Any Breach in Loan Agreement or delay in payment of Installment in assigned timeline will result in 3 percent penalty on outstanding Loan Amount.