Goat Farming Training in Bajura
Adopting new methods and new techniques, with the aim of getting more financial benefits, raise goats professionally and become self-sufficient, in the hall of Abishek Anish Hotel and Lodge, Tribeni Municipality 07 Kailashmandou, Branch Office under Bajura, Suburpacim Pradesh District, Bajura, with the main slogan of Laghibitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. Organized 3-day basic goat rearing training from 2080 Jeshta 28 to 2080 Jeshta 30 was completed by trainer Chetraj Bohra. Branch manager Harichandra Bhatt informed about the progress report, history and credit risks of the branch.
At the end of the program, the participants said that even though we raise goats, we can get more benefits by adopting new methods and new techniques in goat rearing. This training is very beneficial for us.
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