Completed three-day basic goat raising training
Chimek Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Branch Office, Abukhaireni, dated Ashadh 04th to 06th 2080, successfully completed three days basic goat farming training at Udyog Banijya Sangh, Abukhaireni.
The program, which was conducted for three days, was coordinated by Bhojraj Joshi, branch manager of Abukhareni branch. Nishan Shrestha was mainly trained and facilitated, while Mr. Chitra Bahadur Bishwakarma, Animal Technical Assistant of Abukhaireni Gaupalika, has seen what kind of schemes and arrangements are there for the goat farming farmers at the government level and local bodies, what kind of diseases and problems they have to deal with, how to get insurance and how to do it. So the topic was to conduct classes in depth. A total of 47 people were active participants in the training, including 5 guardians and 42 members. I am very happy to be a participant in the training and have expressed my gratitude to the organization for solving the problems of the farmers and for providing meager financial assistance. The participants tell that the training was time-sensitive, objective and according to expectations.
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